Finding strength in unexpected ways

I actually felt strong and grateful at the end of my run today. Quite a new experience for me! So I am super excited to share with you why. As I have a feeling it may help you too - with more than just your exercise...

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Why living with a stoma is so much easier when you let go of shame.

I have to be honest with you, for many months I told very few people about my emergency stoma...After coming out of hospital if and when I did tell friends it was in hushed tones and glossed over pretty quickly. I’d tell myself it was because I was a deeply private person (which I am) but in retrospect I was swimming in shame.

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Forget about beach ready – lets get mind, body and bag ready

The sun is out in London, summer holidays are around the corner and everyone is happy right? Hmmmmmmm… maybe?! Or maybe a little nervous and apprehensive about being beach (or even local pool) ready. Maybe this is a familiar fear...or you may have felt since having a stoma, and a bag permanently attached to your stomach, that your fears have INTENSIFIED and multiplied.

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the big bag reveal

To share or not to share – the big bag reveal!

When I first had a stoma I felt overwhelmed and the idea of sharing with others what I was going felt too much. I felt too vulnerable. I was still trying to get my head around all my own feelings and having to deal with the practical day to day stuff too...

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Stomaversaries – Are you ready for yours?

I remember my first stomaversary. I was actually pretty high on life. I felt like I had ‘survived’ the first year – post accident, post stoma surgery, not quite post chronic pain and recovery...What I didn’t advertise was that the run-up to that day had been SO incredibly hard.

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Why trauma may be getting in the way of you accepting your bag

It would be easy to think the only trauma I experienced was being hit by a car and yes, it really was hugely traumatic, physically and mentally. But when I started to learn about EFT & Matrix Reimprinting I was introduced to a way of thinking about trauma that helped me to heal, and accept my bag, so much more

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love affair with EFT

My love affair with EFT

At the point I was introduced to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT/ Tapping) I was pretty desperate for ways to manage the chronic pain,

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"Lara is a caring professional, with a wealth of knowledge and experience. She helped me understand how to reduce stress and anxiety in my daily life."

Hila, April 2020